Completely integrated in the TD-Synergy suite, this module draws on information produced by laboratories (immunology, hematology) to build a complete recipient file acting as a consolidated folder for recipient follow-up.
It manages patients’ administrative and medical information from the first visit to posttransplant checkups. Successive transplantations are also available with details for each.
Directly managed by the histocompatibility laboratory, this module includes all relevant information accumulated during the patient’s life, such as the HLA type.
Select the right recipient
This module provides security and efficiency in organ and bone marrow transplantation. The recipient waiting list is fully managed including antibody screening checkups. When an organ is available for transplantation, the selection of potential recipients is aided by the use of customizable criteria.
Alert mechanism
It is important to ensure regular antibody monitoring of patients waiting for transplantation. The module provides a list of missing serums based on user criteria. A list of patients for whom serology checkups are overdue is available with all necessary information to contact the patient concerned.
Crossmatch test
Crossmatch (donor/recipient compatibility test), the ultimate step before transplantation, is also managed by this module. From the list of the most compatible recipients, it is possible to select patients for whom this final test will be performed the processing of the specimens