TDMicro is a modern, paper-free system that embodies the best in safety practices, and provides fast access to results within a flexible, fully auditable environment.
Microbiology requests are outside the typical workflow of specimens in the laboratory. Clinicians need specific microbiology workflows that can adapt to their findings as the examination progresses. It’s a key element of the TDNexLabs LIS solution.

Paperless microbiology
Increase productivity while retaining the possibility to use worksheets
- Save time with streamlined data entry and readability
- Deliver reliable results in a minimum time
- Real-time information access
Customizable results entry screen
- Relevant to the analytical process you are working on
- Save time when entering the analysis results
Patient Safety
- High traceability
- Safe validation
- Email alerts to improve reactivity
- Epidemiology at a glance
- Avoid mistakes by standardizing methods
Leverage Microbiology data
Epidemiology alerts
- Immediate alerts for specific single results based on user-defined rules
- Threshold alerts when a particular event has reached a user-defined threshold
Efficient epidemiology reporting
- Incidence reports
- Resistance reports
- Management of duplicates
Ensure compatibility with local or worldwide disease surveillance systems
- Microbiology data export for CoSURV, WHONET, EARSS
Dynamic link with the patient
- Access to the detailed patient data from epidemiology views.
Highly customizable
Configurable to your own methods, organization and traceability rules
Customize protocols and workflow
- Guide the laboratory staff in handling specimens, results entry
Define expert rules on-the-fly
- Manage exceptions and alerts
- Customize expert rules easily
- Reduce the laboratory turnaround time
- Reduce costs and rationalize work
Choose how to enter results (worksheets, online, connected analyzers)
- Match laboratory organization and workflows
Easy system installation
- Save installation time, reduce costs
Real-time supervision of infrastructure, application and communication
- Facilitate maintenance and optimize LIS availability and performance
Quality and accreditation
High quality with integrated tools
Help to comply with standard requirements (ISO 15189, CAP 15189, GBEA, CLSI, EUCAST…)
- Facilitates laboratory accreditation
Powerful audit features at all stages: request, sample, patient
- Enhanced traceability
Non-conformity management
- Improved quality of care
Document management module
- Compliant with ISO 15189 prerequisites