TDBloodBank is a highly customizable solution which can be configured to meet all blood management and transfusion needs.
Its enhanced user rights management and inbuilt safety features optimize stocks, manage fridges, and of course, help transfuse the right product to the right patient, every time.

Configurable to meet local working practices and legislation, with patient safety in mind
Complies with European Directives on blood safety and quality
- Positive patient identity (optional Safetrak Pocket module at the bedside)
- Blood group and compatibility testing
- Antibody screening
Manages stocks efficiently and safely
- Time out of fridge monitoring
- Pack quarantine before release to stock
- Remote fridge access control (optional Safetrak Fridge module)
Supports ISBT128 product labeling standards
- Safer, faster stock entry
- Easier pack identity at all stages in the process
Manages non-standard workflows, such as those for patients with:
- Transitional blood groups
- Rare phenotypes like Bombay/ Para-Bombay

Comprehensive traceability at every stage
- Quarantine at stock entry
- Serological or electronic crossmatch
- Stock update
- Product issue, including stat issue
- Return to stock
- Fate of donation
Optimized workflows for faster and safer transfusion
Sample identification and reception
- Sample reception procedure
Sample testing
- Double-blind entry of results by two users
- Use of mother’s sample for neonates
- Automatic comparison with previous results
- Alerts in the event of blood group mismatches
- Optional setting to prevent pack allocation before testing is complete
- Interfaces with the major blood group typing instruments
Blood group confirmation
- Consolidated results at patient level
- Single or double determination
Antibody screening
- Automatic checks for available patient samples
- Date/time of previous transfusions determines if a new screening is required
Compatibility and crossmatch
- Configurable compatibility tables for ABO, Rhesus, Phenotype, Kell and Bombay
- Essential patient information displayed at all times
- Specific transfusion requirements, such as irradiated blood or CMV negative
- Electronic issue (optional crossmatch) in line with international guidelines
- Up to four methods of manual crossmatch where Electronic Issue is not permitted or suitable Ü Interfaces with the major automated crossmatch instruments