A key companion to your laboratory information system to interface and manage instruments and results
TDWorkstation Evolution is a real gateway between your analyzers and your LIS. Equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, it provides a high level of flexibility by accommodating any laboratory organization. It’s a key element of TDNexLabs LIS Solution.
Access essential information in a snap and pilot your lab activities in real-time
A Sample Control Panel acting as a real Dashboard
- Monitor lab activity easily with a real-time overview of instrument interfaces and quality controls
Dedicated sessions for complete sample management
- Cover the whole workflow process from review & edit to quality control, order entry, or sample search
A simple and intuitive user interface
- New users can get up and running quickly with minimal training time
Maximize efficiency with smart result management
Delta check on reruns
- Ensure high quality by comparing results of current and previous runs of the same test or sample.
Customized real-time expert rules
- Automate repetitive tasks and focus on questionable results
- Minimize turnaround time
- Be compliant with quality certification organizations (CAP, CLSI standards)
- Reduce the risk of errors and improve safety by standardizing work methods
Monitor Quality Control (QC) easily
Numerous QC representations (tabular format, histograms, Levey-Jennings charts, Westgard rules…)
- Interpret results and monitor QC easily
Remote access to the QC charts of connected workstations
- Gain flexibility, and allow independent review and comparison of instrument performance
Graphical reports, archives in PDF formats, export of QC data
- Optimize Quality Control result management and help ISO 15189 compliance
Manage your laboratory with flexibility
Multi-instrument management with remote access for all routine operations
- Review results easily by sharing access to information produced by instruments, concentrators or multi-module analyzers
- Reduce turnaround time for urgent requests, using instrument-specific criteria such as priority, doctor or location
Log Manager (incidents, maintenance operation and changes of reagent on analyzers)
- Meet Quality Assurance requirements with full traceability
Point of Care Testing (POCT)
- Use the TDWorkstation Evolution for POCT needs with reliable results and data consolidated in patient file
Easy-to-use statistics for the number of sample runs, reruns and dilutions, calibrations and quality control samples
- Monitor the real cost of consumables and reagents