Improving blood product safety
European directives 2002/98/EC and 2004/33/EC lay down quality and safety standards for human blood and blood components, to ensure the highest possible level of human health protection.
These standards apply to collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution, and require that evidence is kept for a period of 30 years.
Most Blood Bank LIS manage what is done inside the laboratory, but many do not address the tracking of product movements and actions performed outside the lab.
To address these European directives, TECHNIDATA has developed TDSafetrak, which works with the LIS and provides the following features:
- Tracking of product movements between fridges located inside and outside the lab, including management of locks on issue fridges
- Tracking of actions performed outside the lab related to blood sample collection and transfusion
Positive patient identification at the bedside, including printing of patient wristbands, prior to blood collection and patient transfusion