7th IABS Symposium on Advances in Transfusion Safety
The 7th IABS Symposium on Advances in Transfusion Safety, was held in Singapore from 15 to 17 July 2011., EGIS participated in this event which was organized by the International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS) and the Health Sciences Authority’s Blood Services Group (BSG), in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Blood Network (APBN).
The 7th IABS Symposium on Advances in Transfusion Safety is part of a series of biennial symposia that is dedicated to transfusion safety issues in both developed and developing countries. The programme will address both cutting edge issues and those specific to resource limited areas.
The Symposium was of great relevance to transfusion specialists, clinicians, scientists, regulators, nurses, health service professionals and industries who are involved in blood, plasma and safety.